Title:Integrated Self-Advocacy ISA Curriculum, The
Author:Paradiz, Valerie
Resource Description
Self-advocacy plays a vital role in nearly every aspect of life for individuals on the spectrum, in school, at home, in the community and at work. The more self-awareness they possess, the more they can be players in advocating for their own comfort, happiness and well-being. Yet, children and adults with autism spectrum and related conditions often receive limited support in these vital life skills. This is because people have little time to develop thoughtful, person-centered materials and tools, or simply have no clue how to begin to provide this kind of support. This cutting-edge curriculum helps professionals and family members provide safe forums for self-discovery, structured learning activities and a cumulative understanding of the many facets of self-advocacy. The ISA™ Curriculum presents 11 units with detailed lesson plans, worksheets and activities, including scanning sensory and social environments, identifying how and when to self-disclose, exploring the history of autism, studying role models with ASD, developing media literacy on topics involving autism and cultivating deep and focused interests for vocation and leisure time. Students' work throughout the lessons culminates in the creation of a personal self-advocacy portfolio, a living document that can be adjusted over the life span.
Teacher Edition 159pp
Student Workbook 121pp
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