Title:Educational Interpreting Classroom Practice DVD Eleven, Elementary Level - MCE
Author:Educational Interpreter Performance Assessment Diagnostic Center at Boys Town National Research Hospital in collaboration with Brenda Schick, Ph.D.
Resource Description
This DVD features two elementary level students sharing their life experiences. Ash talks about his home and school life, activities he enjoys doing with his friends and things he has learned both in and outside of school. Chase talks about his family life and the classes he is taking in school. Chase likes to fingerspell so this sample gives you multiple opportunities to practice your receptive finger spelling skills. This is a great opportunity to expand your receptive interpreting skills. Using MCE, interpreters will practice interpretation skills from spoken English (teacher discourse) to sign language (for students) and from sign language (student discourse) to spoken English. The DVD includes a CD with PDF files that contain a complete transcript of the voiced interpretation.
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