Title:Delicate Threads: Friendships between Children with and without Special Needs in Inclusive Settings
Author:Staub, Debbie
Resource Description
Delicate Threads describes the stories of friendships between seven pairs of children including a child with a disability, in an inclusive elementary school in the Pacific Northwest. In addition, this book is designed to discuss knowledge about childhood friendships, as well as to share information learned by the author during her work as a research associate for the Consortium for Collaborative Research on Social Relationships of Children and Youth with Severe Disabilities. Delicate Threads is a perfect, yet unique companion to another important book that also resulted from the Consortium's efforts, Making Friends: The Influences of Culture and Development (Meyer, Park, Grenot-Scheyer, Swartz, & Harry, 1998). In Delicate Threads, the author continues the discussion about friendships. She addresses new and thought-provoking questions about children with and without disabilities: What kinds of meaning do children bring to their friendships? What happens to friendships over time? What are the mutual benefits, potential drawbacks, and concerns experienced in these friendships?
This book, while offering it fresh and unique perspective on childhood friendships, speaks to a range of different audiences. It will appeal to researchers , administrators, and educators alike because of the logical and clearly articulated link between theory, research, and practice. This is also a book that is likely to be found in neighborhood book stores. Parents will find it to be helpful in understanding the importance and dynamics of children's friendships. Not only can university students in education and related fields learn about the benefits and personal struggles associated with childhood friendships, they can also gain practical information about how to support membership and friendships in the classroom. The wide appeal to a diverse audience is due to the author's ability to weave research and theory into the delicate fabric of each story about friendship.
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