Title:You Will Dream New Dreams (Inspiring Personal Stories by Parents of Children with Disabilities)
Author:Kline, Stanley, Ph.D.; Schive, Kim (Editors)
Resource Description
In YOU WILL DREAM NEW DREAMS, a compassionate, deeply felt collection of writing, you'll discover the common ground of emotions shared by parents of children with diabilities. Real-life fathers and mothers of kids with cerebral palsy, Down Syndrome, autism, mental retardation, and other life-changing illnesses speak from the heart on how they mourned for the child of their dreams...learned the importance of turning to friends instead of being "strong" all the time...experienced the wrenching disappointment of letting go of certain expections for their child...and found the unexpected joy of discovering new dreams.
Healing, coping, surviving, and even being happy again; these messages of encouragement and hope, from parent to parent, offer a helping hand when it is most needed--during tough days or anytime true understanding can make all the difference.
278 pp
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